
Contributions to Soundesign 4649 (current version)



Version Date User
2020-09-17 00:13 Reli
2020-09-17 00:29 Reli
2020-09-17 00:17 Reli
2020-09-17 00:13 Reli


Author Words Whitespaces Characters Printable characters
Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted
Reli 76 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 69 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 401 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%) 294 (100.0%) 0 (0.0%)
Total 76 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 69 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 401 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 294 (100.0%) 0 (100 %)

Page changes

As you can see from the photo below, 2Pac Shakur owned (or at least used) this particular boombox. Maybe he got it from JC Penney, because Soundesign was a regular brand there. It was available in silver (4649) or dark gray (4649CCL). It was a very cheap box from Taiwan with a very limited feature set. It doesn't have any auxiliary inputs. It takes 6 D-cell batteries.