
Dae Ho Carnival DH-02

The Carnival DH-02 boombox was made and/or sold in Korea under the brand "Dae Ho". It appears to be an AKA of the Sharp GF-9000. Either that, or it's a pretty damn good copy. Either way, it's very rare. There are two versions of this Dae Ho. One is shown below (It's not mine, I just found the photos on Ebay). You can see that it has some very strange function buttons....Perhaps they are mixing functions? I don't know.





Here is a video of it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GcXRNds0sI(external link)

The other version of this boombox was called Jumbo XL, and it looks like this:


Better photos can be seen on this page: http://www.boomboxpilot.ru/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74&sid=74c40aae37bfb042485047a99c0a64d4&view=print(external link)

Created by Reli. Last Modification: Wednesday 29 of August, 2018 00:52:28 GMT by Reli.
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